Gold/Silver Salon furniture barbershop special mirror with LED lights hairdressing mirrors

Male/Female Hair Salon Led Mirror Models Manufacturing Sales Point

Our Whatsapp Contact Line +905302865343

You can create an eye-catching working environment for your consultants and customers who will visit your company, big and small hairdressing salons, which follow the current developments and decorative movements in the beauty industry, and you can make the salon environment look bright.

Mirrored benches used in hairdressers and beauty salons are manufactured in different sizes and sizes, gold-plated shelf on the side and client chair models with shock absorbers.

Wall mounted LED lighted hairdressing mirror with gold edge

Hairdresser Bench and Led Mirror – Ladies Hairdresser Furniture – Modern Gold Metal Nightstand with Drawer

Gold and chrome patterned full-length mirrors, which are most preferred during the decoration (dressing) of a room or interior in the skin care salon, women’s hairdressing salon and beauty sector. The interior decor (decoration) of the Led Hairdresser Mirror is rich, eye-catching and stylish, making the customer think positively and positively about you.

Modern Gold Metal Nightstand with Drawer

Salon furniture barbershop with LED lights lux hairmirrors

The aim of the beauty and hairdressing salon, which will be equipped with different products and product types, is to make the materials used more aesthetically pleasing and functional for the company, with the shelf, armchair, mirror, manicure table, hairdresser salon furniture, pedicure working groups.

Salon furniture barbershop with LED lights lux hairmirrors – Types of LED Lighted Hairdresser Mirrors

Wall-mountable mirrors with gold and chrome plexi detail

In terms of spaces, ‘cosmetic’ renovations can in some cases be part of a larger project.

Wall-mounted Large And Small Size Led Light Mirror Models Necessary For Women’s Hairdressing Salon Decoration & BEAUTY SALON furniture & Manicure Pedicure Chairs

You can supply the fixtures and wood groups required for the opening of the beauty salon from our Mosspa Beauty company. Ways to be followed by customers who will place an order with our company from other countries:

1) For giving orders, send us the pictures of the products and product groups you like from our social media & website on our Whatsapp line +905302865343.
2) Determine the color and quantity of the products you request.
3) Please send us the requested country and city.

Things you should know:
*Delivery time: Production time of the ordered products is 10-15 days. Depending on the region and location, deliveries can take 30-45 days with our contracted shipping companies. (If you have a contracted shipping company please let us know)
*Packaging: The products are packed with stretch and export balloon to avoid damage.
*Payment Methods: Electronic bank transfers (with contracted banks)
We are waiting for you at our store in Istanbul Ataşehir to meet face to face for your multiple orders and new projects.

Laser epilation and Waxing stretcher

Beauty Salon Waxing Stretcher Prices
Massage beds, which are domestic production, are manufactured in desired sizes and colors.
Hair removal laser is suitable for use in skin care center, waxing, massage parlor, spa and similar areas.
Dimensions: 60 x 70 x 185 cm
The head part is movable in 3 steps.

Beauty Salon Waxing Stretcher Prices

Artificial upholstery leather is used in our products.
Suni Deri Avantajları Hiçbir canlının ölmesine gerek yoktur.
Fiyatı daha uygundur.
Görsel olarak gerçek deriden ayırt edilemez.
Dengeli bir renk dağılımına sahiptir.
Güneş ışınlarına karşı solmaya karşı dayanıklıdır.
Birçok farklı renkte boyanabilir.
Yatak yüzeyinde kullanılan hammadde ve üretim teknolojisindeki gelişmeler sonucunda son 10 yılda deri yerine sıklıkla kullanılan suni deri imalatında PU ve PVC kullanılmaya başlanmıştır.
PU ürünler PVC ürünlere göre daha pahalı olmasına rağmen daha hijyenik ve ekolojik olması, nefes alabilirlik, yumuşaklık, teknik değerler ve görünüm açısından doğal deriye çok yakın olması nedeniyle tercih edilmektedir. Suni döşemelik derilerin temizliğinde dikkat edilecek hususlar;

Do not use bleach.

Kimyasal çözücüler (gaz, benzin, mazot, tiner, aseton) kullanmayınız.
Kuru temizleme yapılmaz (PVC karışımları için)
Kuru temizleme yapılır. (Poliüretan + Poliüretan Gumislerde)
Sadece sabunlu su ile elde yıkayınız.
En yüksek sıcaklık 30 derecedir.
Nemli veya sabunlu bezle silinir.
Alkol içeren temizlik deterjanları, kolonya ve benzeri sıvılar ile silinemez.

Ev konforunda manikür pedikür koltuğu

Manikür pedikür işlemi; El ve ayak tırnağı temizliği, uzamış etlerin sağlıklı dokuya zarar vermeden temizlenmesi, varsa oje kalıntılarının temizlenmesi, tırnakların kısaltılması ve istenilen uzunlukta törpülenmesi, tırnak batması olmadan ayak tırnaklarının kesilmesi, tırnak etlerinden ölü derinin alınması gibi birçok uygulamayı kapsar. ayaklar ve oje sürmek. Tüm bu süreç boyunca müşteri manikür pedikür koltuğuna oturur. Rahatsız bir koltukta oturan bir müşterinin aynı güzellik salonuna tekrar gelmesi beklenemez.

Manicure Pedicure Armchairs

Mosspa, with its high quality manicure pedicure armchairs in the comfort and comfort of home, produces armchairs where customers get up with a rest during the entire session. Mosspa armchairs always make a name for themselves with their comfort and elegance in manicure and pedicure applications, which are carried out on average every 2 weeks. For your hairdresser or beauty salon, Mosspa offers manicure pedicure armchairs that will carry your business to a much better place.